Okay, it's technically not summer yet, but it's finally warm enough to really enjoy the outdoors! The boys and Nick had a great time camping at a fathers & sons camp, while Sadie and I settled for a girls' night walk to Walmart.

We've also been gardening with my sil, Shelly, and the kids have loved all the bugs, worms and snails they've encountered. This picture is of a BLUE potato bug, though my camera phone doesn't show it well. We looked it up and found out the poor bug has an indovirus, which turned it blue.

Nick and I enjoyed a peaceful hike the other day, which ended up being shorter than we planned because I forgot about spring runoff. In the fall it was a mellow trickle with several ways to cross, but now it's all under a foot of rapid, cold, newly-melted snow! It was still beautiful and we loved having a date night! Thanks Dawn & Eric for babysitting. :o)
In homeschool we just finished a quick unit on plants. I'll hopefully have time to post copies of the lapbooks they did. Studying plants is perfect for this time of year and the boys are super-excited to start learning about rocks and minerals next. I'm hoping to take a trip to Southern Utah to see all the cool rock formations, but we'll have to see if we can squeeze it in (and if our van can handle it). Summer weather here we come!