Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sadie's Birthday and Independence Day

I'm back! I did sort of drop off the face of the earth for a while (though, honestly, I was just lazy and busy), but here's some of the fun we've had so far this summer...

Sadie's birthday was in June and this is her in her new dress from grandma Perkins.

Brandon, Sadie, Nate and I all marched in the Centerville 4th of July parade. Our stake primary had a float which said "Catch the vision of what you can be", so we all had bug nets to catch the butterflies. It was about 3 miles from start to finish and the kids did awesome. I only had to carry Sadie on my shoulders for a few blocks. :o) I haven't got those pics off the camera yet, but they're coming soon. We also went to the Independence Day concert in the park, followed by fireworks. Everyone had a great time!

I hope you've all had a fun, relaxing summer so far! And I promise to do better at posting updates more often. :o)

1 comment:

Donna said...

It's good to see you posting again!

Happy Bday to Sadie!! Cute dress,did we get a chance to see the easter dress you were making??

The parade sounds like a lot of fun, but really hot!!

I can't believe we are passing the middle mark of summer! I am so not ready for this to be over!!