Having been a complete slacker-blogger for a month or so, I thought I'd post a little something to let you all know I'm still alive. I do not have a good excuse for my month of silence other than I just didn't feel like writing! How's that for uncreative? But anyway, I'm back! And hopefully I'll be a bit more prolific in the next few months.
In homeschool, we're studying the human body. We just finished the skeletal system and are moving on to the nervous system (the kids are pretty excited to learn about brains - or for that matter anything slimy and gross). :o)
Our condo is still up for sale, so please pass the word if you know anyone looking for a great place to live!
On a more interesting note, I've decided to take the kids on an education vacation. We won't be leaving until April or maybe May, so I have a few months to save up some $$$ and prepare for a three-week long, 2500-mile car trip. And yes, I realize I am quite insane! We will be stopping in Denver, Kansas City, and Asheville, NC before we get to Washington DC; where we will hopefully stay about a week. We'll also be stopping in Indianapolis and Nauvoo on the way back.
Washington D.C. is one of my all-time favorite places and I'm so excited to take the kids. It might end up being a 4-week trip if I get to do everything I'd like. We'll be doing home-school-work along the way; I'm working on a United States Geography unit to maximize the educational aspect of the trip. We'll probably do a quick US government review before we go as well.
This is so fun and different for me, so that's probably all I'll talk about for a while. Did I mention I'm excited?!?
I already forgot, there's one other thing I wanted to post. I've been completely, physically lazy in recent months and have decided to use this trip to encourage me in this area. I'm going to lose 25 lbs. by the time we leave! I know, once again, that I am quite crazy. But I know I can do this and I'm posting it here for all to read so you can cheer me on!
Instead of finding new not-so-healthy dessert and baking recipes, like I usually do; I'll be learning new whole-grain, low-sugar, lose-weight recipes. I'll be waking up early to exercise every morning, (even Saturdays!) So, if anyone wants to join me for some aerobics or walks, or some nice healthy eats, just call! You can even call me early in the morning and wake me up (it may not sound like it at the time, but I'm sure I'll appreciate it later.) :o)
So, here I go.... to Washington DC and a healthier body!
Awards season
6 years ago
I think it's awesome! All of it!!
I wish I had your positive attitude!
I have a hard time convincing myself I can actually do it. I decided to never quit though, I don't fail, unless I quit.
Who knows, maybe you'll inspire me!! It wouldn't be the first time!!
Thanks Donna! It means a lot, coming from someone I think of so highly.
You're so sweet to say that!
Congrats on the 6 pounds!! Keep up the good work!!
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