Something we have in common with public schools, I think, is that the first week is spent getting used to routines and curriculum, and getting everything organized. We did begin our first unit study: Music. It's been so much fun. The kids made kazoos out of toilet paper tubes and decorated them, then we use them to review things like pitch, volume and tempo, and to play simple rhythms. Nathan especially has really done well at reading notes and understanding how long to hold a note or how high to play.
We also worked on our 'Mini Classrooms' which are table-top dividers to give the kids a little privacy and also have reference material they might need, such as a cursive alphabet for the boys, maps, a calendar, and colors and shapes for Sadie. I love the idea that they'll be able to be a bit more independent instead of relying on me when they can't remember a times table, or how do draw a certain letter, or what month comes next. I'll try post pictures of them when they're complete.
This week we also went to a 'Not-back-to-school-party' at Castle Park in Kaysville, as well as a regular park day here in Centerville. My wonderful mom took them on a fieldtrip to Thanksgiving Point, as well. I also had two planning meetings, one for a small preschool co-op for Sadie and one for a bigger homeschool co-op. So much for a relaxed, stay-at-home week!!! We had fun though, and even managed to squeeze in some math reviews.
Today was a big day as well. Our family was asked to sing in sacrament meeting with two other families. We did a primary song medley and the kids were adorable! I don't think anybody even noticed the adults being there, they were all watching the children sing. I wish I could have watched their faces; it sure makes me excited for the primary program in a few weeks.
Sadie also gave her first primary talk! She got up and started out great "I'm going to talk about prophets!" Then she noticed everyone watching her and clammed up. After trying a few times, unsuccessfully, to get her to say the next part, I just held up the picture of President Monson. This was her favorite part and was going to be the end of the talk. When she saw that picture she brightened up, said "This is President Monson; He's our prophet today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." So it was short and sweet and she was thrilled to just sit down and be done.
My kids truly are the best. They make me smile and laugh, and fill my heart with love. I thanks God for the amazing opportunity to be their mom and their teacher.
Awards season
6 years ago
I admire you for homeschooling your kids, who are darling by the way. Your song today was great and I loved that Sadie was waving at Mikelle. Wish I could have heard Sadie's talk in primary but Lexi was leaking. We need to get together when you can, let me know.
I admire you, too! You are an awesome mom and teacher!!
Thanks for being my friend!
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