Monday, August 17, 2009

Homeschool Plans for the year

The kids and I have been working out a calendar for what we'd like to learn about this year in our unit studies. Each month or two we will start a new topic, learn all about it, do reports, games, projects and lapbooks. We use the topic to find spelling and vocabulary words, books, and art projects. It's a pretty loose schedule and we may take longer or finish sooner than expected. The nice thing about homeschool is we can just go with it... :o)

So, I thought I'd post this for those who may still be a bit curious about my children's education.

Music - Aug-September

Instruments, Composers, Theory, History, Types

Human Body - October

Systems, senses, health/nutrition, Scientists,

Middle Ages - November

Castles, Chivalry, History, King Arthur, Knights

Electricity - December

Inventors, experiments, how it works

Exploration – January-February

Maps, History, Geography, compasses

Ecosystems – March

Rain forests, Deserts, Arctic, Savannah

Renaissance - April

Inventions, history, discoveries, people, Europe

Computers – May

Parts, how they work, inventors, history, programming


Donna said...

Wow, sounds like it's going to be a fun year!!

I'll have to see about the swimming, I'd love to, I'm just not sure when! :)

Kirt said...

Fun! Let me know if I can help with anything.