I'm falling into my old habit of never updating my blog! So, this week I will apply myself with renewed enthusiasm and diligence...
It's been over a week since I posted anything and it's been a
very busy week, so here's a quick sum up of what's been going on at our house:
We began our study of outer space. I decided to begin closest to home and move out - so we've learned all about the moon. I checked several books about space out of the library to go with this unit, and it turns out Nathan has already read three of the six books! Honestly, sometimes I wonder why
I'm the teacher. There were some things he didn't remember, and I even found some information th

at was completely new! So here's a bit of what we worked on this week:
The drawing of the moon was done with gray pastels; fun and messy!
The five-petal flower lists things they would take into space with them. Apparently Brandon had a difficult time narrowing his list down to five things. We talked about how space can be really cold because of the lack of atmosphere, so hot cocoa was the first thing on his list. :o)
The sun is this week's focus, after our President's Day Vacation, of course. There is so much to learn! But the kids are truly excited about this unit, which is very fulfilling to a homeschool mom. One of my biggest goals was to help them discover a love of learning and we're actually making progress! Math is still not considered fun and exciting, but honestly, I don't blame them. It's not my favorite either...
Valentines Day was a major part of our week as well. I always loved making and decorating my Valentine box and the kids had a great time as well. I'll try to put pictures up of their boxes. Each one is unique and wonderful. Sadie's box was made with our Chinese Dragon head. She and Nick worked together to paint a long thin box for the body and it turned out great! Nate decided on a dice (die?) inspired by a very square box. He did a great job painting it and needed almost no supervision. Brandon took the longest to decide and ended up doing a fabulous treasure chest that he intends to keep for the rest of his life. :o)
We attended a Home-school Valentine's Day party on Friday. The kids had a blast! It was big, loud, full of games and candy, and there were tons of kids! What more could you ask for? They were also lucky enough to do a little Valentine's party with my mom on Monday. She always does amazing things with them and they really had a great time.
So, we had TONS of valentines and candy before Valentine's Day had even arrived! My sil was kind enough to watch our kids that night, and we'll watch hers on Monday, so Nick and I were able to have the night to ourselves!!! After changing our minds several times, we ended up buying ice cream and a movie and just relaxing and talking together. It may not seem particularly romantic, but it was quiet and peaceful and we enjoyed the time just being with each other.
Today, my youngest brother was ordained a priest. Hurray John! It was so wonderful to see him make wise choices and accept greater responsibilities. I just have to say how much I appreciate having him as a little brother. It's a bit strange, because I moved out when he was only five or six, and I'm not sure he remembers me living at home. But he's been so good to my kids! He plays with all of them, entertains them and is so helpful. Thank you John!
We decided to attend church in my parents ward today, because the ordination was right in the middle of our ward's meetings. But I had forgotten that their ward doesn't start until eleven. Our's is at nine and that's what time was stuck in my head. So this morning, we were all rushing around trying desparately to get ready in time for church and were about ready to leave when Nathan, the wise nine-year-old, asks "Doesn't their church start at eleven? Why are we going so early?" Nick and I just looked at each other. Thank goodness for Nate's memory of random details! We ended up having a very relaxed, enjoyable morning after that and were even a little early for the ordination. :o)