On Monday, we decided to enjoy the last bit beautiful weather to hike up the Holbrook Canyon Trail. It turned out to be
very eventful... The multi-colored leaves were absolutely breath-taking and the air was crisp and fresh. The kids enjoyed seeing two large green grasshoppers and a cute little dog, but the most memorable find was definitely the tarantula. Yes, there truly was a real, live, hairy,
huge tarantula was crawling along the dirt on the side of the trail. Nathan noticed it first and we all gathered around to see. It's legs were honestly as long as my fingers! I tried to take a picture with my cell phone camera, but I guess I wasn't thinking very clearly because I didn't save it correctly. He

re's a picture of what it looked like, (though it doesn't quite show the size...
And here are some much cute

r pictures of my kids enjoying the outdoor

you totally could have a pet tarantula!! That creeps me out just seeing the picture!
I can't believe how grown up they all look!
I don't know if I could have taken the pic correctly in the first place let alone save it right, either!! I think it would give me nightmares to have seen it in person!! YUCK!!
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