Today didn't turn out quite like I anticipated.
We were up early and ready to go, and I was actually thinking we'd be on time for our fieldtrip to see the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company performance. But as I entered the I-15 on-ramp in Centerville, the cars were all backed up. I hit my brakes, slid about 20 feet (it is downhill) and rear-ended the SUV in front of me!!!
Luckily, no one was hurt, and the only damage to the SUV was the trailer-hitch, which took out part of my grill and disfigured my hood. The driver of the other vehicle was so nice and kind. She kept apologizing to me! Unfortunately, we did have to call the police to report it, which means I got a ticket. :P
Between the cost of the ticket and the increase in our insurance premium, this wasn't a cheap accident. But I am grateful for a car that still works and a family that was safely seat-belted.
We were able to be on the road after only half an hour and still made it to our field trip! Though I was supposed to be in charge of the whole thing; I called someone else to fill in.
I am supremely embarrassed but since I haven't had any driving incidents in over ten years, I don't feel too bad. Hopefully, this means I'm covered for at least another ten!