This morning began at about 4 am with those dreaded words "Mommy, I threw up in my bed." Blech! In my opinion, the stomach flu is tied with potty training as the worst part of being the mom. I was lucky this time, Sadie didn't have a huge mess; only two blankets and her jammies (and her baby doll's jammies) were dirty. I got her a bowl, cuddled her back to sleep and was in my own bed within half an hour. As far as middle-of-the-night puking goes, it was pretty tame. I stayed home with her while Nick took the boys to stake conference. Sadie recovered quite quickly and I thought we were done with throwing up for a while.
Not so.
Nick has ALLERGIES! Hazelnut allergies, to be specific.
I knew my sweet husband was allergic to nuts when I married him, tree nuts most intensely. But it is another thing altogether to see him hunched over in pain, with his throat swelling and his eyes watery from repeatedly throwing up. (I'm not posting pictures of this!) The most difficult thing for me is not being able to do a darn thing about it! Benedryl couldn't help because he couldn't swallow it, so we just had to wait it out. As a mom, I am used to fixing things and making everything all better; usually a kiss and a band-aid solves the problem. This was out of my hands, and I hate feeling so helpless!
We've decided to get another epi-pen, just to have around in case something like this happens again. Anaphalactic (sp?) shock is not something we want to have to deal with.
Here's the story: My dad just returned from Dresden, Germany, and was kind enough to bring us all some delicious european chocolate bars. I thought Nick would be safe with just a plain milk chocolate, but evidently that wonderful chocolate flavor is enhanced with hazelnut extract. Two bites was enough to cause a seriously scary reaction! I'm just going to have to eat all his chocolate for him from now on. ;)
I'm so grateful that he's all right and since he has Monday off, he should be fine to go to work on Tuesday. Hopefully a good night's rest will return his poor, abused body to normal.
What a wake-up call! I really need to be more careful about checking ingredients, and if they're in German, we'll just have to pass.
I really hope that's all the sick tummies we'll have to deal with today! I'm crossing my fingers and praying I get through the night without hearing those hideous words again!!!
Awards season
6 years ago
I'm so sorry about the chocolate. I'll see if my German friends can identify some chocolate that is 100% nut free.
I am so sorry for your yucky and scarey time yesterday. I agree that the stomach flue is pretty close to potty training in the yuck department!!
I'm glad everyone seems to be better. I'm happy about our day off today, too!
I am just realizing how grumpy my post was! I'm so sorry! We are all doing well, no upset tummies or lasting allergic reactions.
Our day off was so relaxing and nice. I was glad for a break, though my laundry will be coming back to haunt me tomorrow! :)
We missed Stake Conference too because Kaylee had croup, do you know who the new Stake Presidency is?
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