Sadie had been feeling a bit left out, since all my recent posts were about the boys and their school work. This is what she brought home from preschool. As I've mentioned before, she LOVES scissors and she had a great time cutting out pictures of toys to fill the train. Super job Sadie!
Also, the funniest thing happened today! My youngest sister, Lori, is the only person in the family who is still shorter than me. As the oldest of seven, it was nice to have the baby at least be shorter than me. Well today we measured and I'm only the teeniest bit taller. Since she's only twelve, I'm sure she'll pass me up before long. The weird thing was when we put her height on the closet door (where our family keeps track of growth) her name was even with mine! So we measured me again and guess what!!! I've grown!!!!!! Sometime in the last few years I went from being only 4' 11 1/2 " to 4' 11 3/4 ". When I have my shoes on, I'm over 5 feet tall! Wahoo!!! That may not seem like much, but when you're as short as I am, every little bit helps!
I didn't realize you were under 5 feet tall! Can I really say that? The amount is so small, I don't know if we can say that!! :)
I have to laugh because I always said I was 5 feet even. After reading this post, I had Doug measure me just to be sure...He said I was 5 feet, 1/4 inch without shoes! Wahoo!! I made it, for some reason I doubted myself for a minute! :)
The kids were wondering why I was measuring myself so I mentioned your post, Melanie said she thought she heard that if your over 23 years old and are under 5 feet tall you can qualify for handicap parking!
You oughta check it out!! LOLOL
I've been told that too! I considered it for those months when I was really pregnant. That would have been nice!
But truly, I don't feel a bit handicapped, unless you count reaching things in my kitchen cupboards. I think my kids have just gotten used to seeing me standing on the counter to reach the top shelf! :)
I know, I was just kidding!! You are far from being handicapped!!
I actually don't have any trouble being short, either! I also can't seem to be able to reach a lot of things. I have little stools all over the place. My favortite one is a 3 step with a handle! It's great for reaching those top cupboard shelves. Doug likes it too, he uses it to get in the attic.
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