As a new year began and we reached the end of 2008, I thought about some of the wonderful moments of this year that will always stay with me. (This is a bit long and rambly; hope you don't mind. I guess I have a lot to think about.)
Traveling to Nauvoo at Easter to be present at the sealing of my sister to her husband and feeling the spirit of those pioneers was energizing. They went through so much! It makes our economic slump feel like a vacation in paradise, and yet they were strong. They were better people for their hardship and we are better, too. I have a warm home with a healthy family. I've never had to sleep in a tent (at least not unless I wanted to) and I've never had to leave behind all my earthly possessions in order to keep that Heavenly treasure, my testimony. My eyes fill at the thought of all I have been blessed with, thanks to their diligence and unwavering faith. I pray I may someday prove myself worthy to dwell in their presence.
We began homeschooling this year, in September. And it has turned out to be every bit as life- changing as I had thought it might. My time has been well-spent and the Lord has blessed us and made it possible financially for me to stay at home. I have thrilled at the moments of joy and excitement as we learn together. We have worked toward goals and overcome challenges. We are by no means finished with our struggles, but I know now how much it is worth all the effort. I have made many mistakes and many changes as we tread through unexplored territory, but at least we are together, learning with the spirit and growing closer as a family. Witnessing progress makes all the hard work so very fulfilling and I am excited to proceed into the new year and discover the world with my children.
We've had changes this year in our extended family, two deaths and two births. Both my grandfather and Nick's grandfather passed away, and both funerals were wonderful experiences. We come from strong, exemplary ancestors. Both men had many accomplishments and it was wonderful to hear stories and experiences from their lives. I was reminded how important people are; the way we treat them and think about them. I pray my own funeral will be such an uplifting and pleasant experience when my own life's tale is told.
Baby Micah and baby Trisha, both healthy and beautiful have been much admired by our family. Each little spirit so innocent and tender, so full of love and trust. Looking into the baby blue eyes, I can only imagine the kinds of people they will become and adventures they will live. I anticipate so much joy as they grow and develop their personalities and characters.
With the unstable financial future of our country, we have spent much time this year considering our preparation for the future. We have been blessed with opportunities to get our supplies in order and to be more ready for whatever we may face. I cannot claim to have everything accomplished that we would like, but we have been able to do enough that we are not fearful of the future. I had never realized what a peace this would bring to our home!
So, as the world swirls around us in a rush of panic and worry, we have been blessed with a shelter, a refuge, a safe place. We have each other and our testimonies, and those are the most important things in this life.
Awards season
6 years ago
I add my amen, as well!
You do have a way with words, Angie, thank you for your insight. You are an awesome friend, probably more so than you know!!
Thanks, Again!
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