Yi er san si wu is chinese for 12345. It's pronounced "E" "R" "san" "C" "wou" (like in would). Hopefully we'll make it up to ten next week. It's definitely easier to say than to write...

While Sadie was at preschool we did some more painting! The top picture is Nathan's. He really thought the brown ink on the cream colored paper looked authentic. Brandon went for a more fun version with a few video game illustrations. We decided that the brush makes a big difference. The cheap, crayola brand paintbrushes were much more difficult for the kids to control than Nick's old art class brushes.
Someday, maybe we'll try some calligraphy!!!

We also talked about the chinese zodiac and the way each animal has certain characteristics, which they believe are in the people born that year. It led to a very interesting discussion on telling fortunes and zodiac signs, and how they are all made to seem like a perfect fit, but really are very general. After our talk they could see how parts of any animal's description could fit most people.
On the Kung Fu Panda DVD there is a Chinese Zodiac calculator. The kids get a kick out of who is what and who supposedly gets along with who and comparing the personalities.
I admire what you are doing. You must be learning so much yourself. Not just the school work, but about yourself! Way to go for you, too!!
We're planning to rent Kung Fu Panda sometime this month. I'll have to remember to have the kids do the zodiac calculator.
I think we'll also rent Mulan, it's one of Sadie's favorites and has a lot of the things we'll be talking about; the Great Wall, Chinese Dragons, etc.
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