Wow! What a week. I thought life was supposed to slow down after the holidays! Evidently not at our house. It's been great, even though we were busy. We're still studying China, and I'm amazed at how little I know. It's been fun to learn with the kids. Next week we will really get into our preparations for the Chinese New Year. I think it would be fun to make a full size Chinese Dragon that the kids could parade around with, but we'll have to see... I might have to settle for mini-dragons.
We've also begun studying all the parables with a little activity go coincide with each one. This week we made a picture of the parable of the sower, a goal from the pharisee and the publican, and a loaf of bread from the importunate friend. I'm trying to focus more on spiritual enlightenment, not just secular education.
Sadie's been really working hard on memorizing the pledge of allegiance. This was her own decision and I love her enthusiasm! It's so sweet to hear those words in her precious little voice! We're still working on figuring out which hand goes over her heart, but it's just adorable. I'll have to take a picture of her next week and post it.
Tonight we had a wonderful meeting for the adults in our stake. Elder Oaks spoke and had us all laughing sooo hard! I always think of the apostles as being serious and sober, but they do have so much personality that we rarely see. The other speakers were wonderful, too. I can't wait for tomorrow's stake conference!
Awards season
6 years ago
Sounds like a great weekend!! And a fun upcoming week.
It's hard to imagine Sadie old enough to recite the pledge. I guess we haven't seen you guys in a while. Way to go!!
I'm convinced that the saturday night adult session is the best! I don't know if it's the session or that I don't have any kids to keep entertained!
Not having kids along certainly makes it more relaxing! I always get more from the Saturday night sessions.
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