Sunday, December 13, 2009
'Tis the Season!
I have to admit, Nick and I did some black Friday shopping and got some great stuff for the kids at super deals. I was surprised Nick wanted to come with me, but he got really into it! It truly saves time to have someone waiting in line while I picked up our stuff.
I can't believe Christmas is next week!!! My two sisters are flying in (one from the east, other from the west) and we have so much fun family time planned. I only hope the weather will cooperate and everyone traveling will be safe.
Our most exciting news this week is our new car! Actually it's an SUV - a white 2002 Suzuki XL7. It seats seven and is in fantastic condition. We weren't planning on buying anything until spring, but the death of our old Honda's transmission, coming so soon after the loss of our minivan didn't give us many options. :P
My latest project is a calendar that I'll be able to use for homeschool. I'm making it with a cloth background and clear plastic pockets for the days and month. It will be so cool when it's done! I'm making the names English on one side and Spanish on the other, and leaving spaces for weather and seasons, too. I'll be sure to post pics of it when it's finished (hopefully by Christmas, but definitely by the New Year.)
I hope you're all having a Cheerful Holiday Season, with only occasional sprinkles of chaos! :o)
ps - I experimented tonight with a brownie mix and created "Coconut Cream Cheese Brownies" otherwise known as pure heaven! Let me know if your in the mood to drown yourself in Mounds of chocolaty goodness and I'll post the recipe!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Nate!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Gorgeous Free Christmas cards!
You can order 50 free 4x8 or 5x7 photo cards including free shipping using the coupon code freebies4mom-1109 at SeeHere by Fujifilm
It was quick and easy. Go to and pick a style, upload your photo, add a little text and when you go to the checkout, enter the promo code "freebies4mom-1109". It's good until Nov. 30, but they are a bit backed up, so the sooner the better.
BTW - Thanks Anna for passing on the info! :o)
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Family Christmas Wish Lists
Nathan's Birthday/Christmas List
ream of copy paper
cardboard boxes
box of crayons
karate lessons
science experiment kit
a bike
a stapler
pencil leads (for mechanical pencils)
a microscope
a shovel (not the flimsy ones)
Spectacular Spiderman episodes
Charlie Brown movies
a toy hammer
MP3 player
Brandon's Christmas List
Spiderman Laptop
a turtle (real)
construction paper
Charlie Brown movies
MP3 player
Nightmare Before Christmas
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay up Late
Hypnosis Kit
A warm, warm Blankie
Sadie's Christmas List
Littlest Pet-shops
Doll house people
Earstickers (fake earrings)
A Tinkerbell phone
Peter Pan movie
Friday, November 06, 2009
New Family Portraits

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

We still have so much more to do: Lewis and Clark, the Spanish Conquistadors and I'm hoping to finish up with the pilgrims around Thanksgiving. (I know, I know, they weren't exactly explorers, but they did sail in ships to a new land.) I'd also love any book suggestions for a historical fiction a

These pictures are water color paintings the boys did of a sunset on the ocean. For the water, we painted a paper with blues, then tore it into strips and glued it onto the sunset paper. The ship, of course, is just a simple printout that they colored and glued on. There is a small white tab attached to the ship so it will sail across the sea when you pull it.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
This is Halloween!!!

The kids and I had a great time decorating the house. We made hanging bats and hung up some spiders on "

Costumes this year were so fun! Nathan decided to be an Alien, but altered his costume when our ward activity instructed no masks. He became a person being abducted by an alien. (Basically we stuffed his costume and had the alien hanging over his back with the arms around him.) Unfortunately it was heavier than expected and Nate ended up with his costume being 'a kid giving a piggy-back to a narcoleptic alien.' I wish I had pictures of this, but it didn't last very

Brandon was a Ninja Turtle (Leonardo, I think). We used an old costume that my mom made for my brothers when we were young. Sadie was a lady bug, as she has been announcing to anyone she meets for the last month or so. They all looked great and had a blast.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Autumn Hike with a Surprise

And here are some much cute
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I love knowing that they appreciate the beauty and complexity of the music and get excited about picking out the sound of certain instruments. They definitely have their favorites... Bach's Fugue in D minor, Beethoven's 9th, Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever, and of course, Grieg's the Hall of the Mountain King.
These are picture
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"It helps us express our feelings in a language that anyone can understand all over the world."
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We had two more pages, one with four pockets, each representing one of the instrument families and containing cards with names and pictures of those instruments. We used them for lots of activities. We also learned about the different parts of the ear and how it works, as well as sound waves. Each of the kids also did a small report on their favorite composer. Nathan chose Johann Sebastian Bach and Brandon chose Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Overall, it has been a fabulous unit!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Surprisingly, this year was harder to face than the last. I expected thirty to be challenging, but was pleasantly surprised to feel much the same as I had for the past few years. This birthday, however, has somehow gathered up all the time from about five years ago until now and thrown in all in my lap at once! I have never before felt my age. I don't know if that's usual or not, but I always felt younger than I really was. (Perhaps because my lack of height leads others to believe I am still young?) Most likely it's simply that I was not as mentally "mature" as I could have been. Don't get me wrong, I've been a pretty responsible adult and a decent mother, but I tend to get childishly enthusiastic about fun events and holidays.
So now I find myself struggling to muster up a joyful smile as we decorate for Halloween or plan a party. A nice quiet evening with a book is more enticing than a night out. Simple, repetitious meals appeal instead of new and different recipes. I am hoping this is just a temporary rut, a challenge I can overcome with a bit of effort, as opposed to a permanent, old-person sentiment that I will carry to the grave.
I suppose it is what I make it to be. And so I put on my happy face, plan fun and joyful activities with my family, determine that I will try new things and learn new skills, arm myself with holiday cheer and enthusiasm for life's little daily blessings, and rejoice with my whole soul in all that God has given me.
I will capture youth and hold it tight, and though my body ages I will keep my mind bright and my heart strong. I will laugh and cry and love, and never really grow old.
PS - I apologize for philosophizing so dramatically and promise to make my next post light-hearted, full of fun pictures and interesting moments with the kids.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
First Week back in "school"
We also worked on our 'Mini Classrooms' which are table-top dividers to give the kids a little privacy and also have reference material they might need, such as a cursive alphabet for the boys, maps, a calendar, and colors and shapes for Sadie. I love the idea that they'll be able to be a bit more independent instead of relying on me when they can't remember a times table, or how do draw a certain letter, or what month comes next. I'll try post pictures of them when they're complete.
This week we also went to a 'Not-back-to-school-party' at Castle Park in Kaysville, as well as a regular park day here in Centerville. My wonderful mom took them on a fieldtrip to Thanksgiving Point, as well. I also had two planning meetings, one for a small preschool co-op for Sadie and one for a bigger homeschool co-op. So much for a relaxed, stay-at-home week!!! We had fun though, and even managed to squeeze in some math reviews.
Today was a big day as well. Our family was asked to sing in sacrament meeting with two other families. We did a primary song medley and the kids were adorable! I don't think anybody even noticed the adults being there, they were all watching the children sing. I wish I could have watched their faces; it sure makes me excited for the primary program in a few weeks.
Sadie also gave her first primary talk! She got up and started out great "I'm going to talk about prophets!" Then she noticed everyone watching her and clammed up. After trying a few times, unsuccessfully, to get her to say the next part, I just held up the picture of President Monson. This was her favorite part and was going to be the end of the talk. When she saw that picture she brightened up, said "This is President Monson; He's our prophet today. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." So it was short and sweet and she was thrilled to just sit down and be done.
My kids truly are the best. They make me smile and laugh, and fill my heart with love. I thanks God for the amazing opportunity to be their mom and their teacher.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Homeschool Plans for the year
The kids and I have been working out a calendar for what we'd like to learn about this year in our unit studies. Each month or two we will start a new topic, learn all about it, do reports, games, projects and lapbooks. We use the topic to find spelling and vocabulary words, books, and art projects. It's a pretty loose schedule and we may take longer or finish sooner than expected. The nice thing about homeschool is we can just go with it... :o)
So, I thought I'd post this for those who may still be a bit curious about my children's education.
Music - Aug-September
Instruments, Composers, Theory, History, Types
Human Body - October
Systems, senses, health/nutrition, Scientists,
Middle Ages - November
Castles, Chivalry, History, King Arthur, Knights
Electricity - December
Inventors, experiments, how it works
Exploration – January-February
Maps, History, Geography, compasses
Ecosystems – March
Rain forests, Deserts, Arctic, Savannah
Renaissance - April
Inventions, history, discoveries, people, Europe
Computers – May
Parts, how they work, inventors, history, programming
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Farewell to Summer
That said, we're definitely doing homeschool again this year. I'm working with an online school program called K12 Online for math for the boys, as well as Spanish and Art (which they'll be doing with Nick). K12 also has activities and fieldtrips and a teacher who will support us. Fortunately, we can do these classes with them and still do the things we loved on our own, such as science, history, social skills, unit studies, lapbooks and language arts. It seems to be a good middle ground and I'm excited to get started.
Here are a few pictures of our wonderful whirlwind summer...
Brandon on a playground

Jumping p

Sadie at This is the Place Park

After a fun hike with the Larson kids

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So Much Culture...
Our other big night this week was at Roger's Memorial Theater. They performed Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, one of my all-time favorites. It was the perfect play to take a family to; they were familiar with the story and all the songs are so colorful and fun. The boys liked it and Sadie was enthralled. It probably helped that I had a steady supply of Root Beer Barrels to snack on, but we all had such a good time. I look forward to the day when our little family is old enough to enjoy a trip to Cedar City for the Shakespearean Festival.
And now... pictures that I promised in my last post:
This is us in the 4th of July parade. Nate was there, too, but way ahead of us.

This is one of my favorites of Nathan, thanks to my sister Sara.

This next one is of Sadie swimming on her birthday.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sadie's Birthday and Independence Day
Sadie's birthday was in June and this is her in her new dress from grandma Perkins.
Brandon, Sadie, Nate and I all marched in the Centerville 4th of July parade. Our stake primary had a float which said "Catch the vision of what you can be", so we all had bug nets to catch the butterflies. It was about 3 miles from start to finish and the kids did awesome. I only had to carry Sadie on my shoulders for a few blocks. :o) I haven't got those pics off the camera yet, but they're coming soon. We also went to the Independence Day concert in the park, followed by fireworks. Everyone had a great time!
I hope you've all had a fun, relaxing summer so far! And I promise to do better at posting updates more often. :o)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In homeschool we just finished a quick unit on plants. I'll hopefully have time to post copies of the lapbooks they did. Studying plants is perfect for this time of year and the boys are super-excited to start learning about rocks and minerals next. I'm hoping to take a trip to Southern Utah to see all the cool rock formations, but we'll have to see if we can squeeze it in (and if our van can handle it). Summer weather here we come!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Brandon!!!

We had pizza with a stuffed lion on the center of the table, which was from Lions at Lunchtime.

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you to all the mothers in my life! To the one who raised me and the one who raised my husband, you have set a shining example of service, hard work, compassion, nobility and selflessness. To my grandmothers, you have given me memories of laughter and joy, and instilled a love of extended family. To my sisters, though not mothers of children yet, you have shown me forgiveness, endurance and spontaneous fun. To my sisters-in-law, you have brought wonderful new ideas and experiences to our family. To so many friends and sisters in the gospel, you have each touched my life in glorious, sweet, surprising ways. I am surrounded by such amazing women! Thank you all for your encouragement, kindness, support and smiles. So much of what I have achieved in this life is a result of your love and examples. You represent everything that a woman has the capacity to be; what I am striving toward as a mother, sister, daughter and friend.
Thursday, April 30, 2009

I just have to say, it is so handy to have an artist for a husband!!! Brandon's birthday is coming up and we're doing a Magic Tree House (book series) party. Nick drew, scanned, colored and perfected this invite in about half an hour! The kids were thrilled and it cost me nothing. Yay! Now I just have to organize the rest of the party, clean my house, bake the cake, buy the goodies...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Peloponnesian Times

Good name for an Ancient Greek newspaper, don't you think? Here is the final product of our efforts. The kids did all the writing (Brandon did dictate part of his) and drew pictures to go with everything. Unfortunately two pictures have mysteriously disappeared, so we replaced them with some clipart. So here you go...
We are drawing near the end of our journey through ancient Greece, and will probably finish up our Lapbooks on Tuesday. I will, of course, post pictures of them. Now, what to study next?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ancient Greece

We've spent a few days creating a newspaper from ancient Greece. I'll post the whole thing when it's finished, but so far we have some great stuff: Achilles' Obituary, a few want ads, a sports section all about the Olympics, and a theater review of Oedipus Rex! And of course, each story has a picture to go with it. Nate did this comic page. I can't wait to see the whole newspaper when it's complete, the boys have really done a super job!
Today we also started some weaving on a simple cardboard loom. It's not exactly authentic ancient Greek, but it's been fun to try. I probably should have done a much smaller one for Brandon, but Nate will probably finish his in the next few days. Once again, pictures will come when the project is finished.


and Brandon did Zeus. Brandon's has more information under the green flap with the picture of Zeus.